General data
In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons in that which respects the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, as well as with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, it is reported that there is a series of informative content on the website. Its main objective is to provide customers and the general public with information regarding the company, the products and services offered.
Privacy Policy
In compliance with current legislation, the user is informed that all the data provided to us will be incorporated into a file, created and maintained under the responsibility of Hípica Clarà. The confidentiality of your personal data will always be respected and will only be used for the purpose of managing the services offered, meeting the requests you make, performing administrative tasks, as well as sending technical, commercial or advertising information by ordinary or electronic means. To exercise your rights of opposition, rectification or cancellation, deletion, limitation and portability, you must go to the following email The person responsible for personal data is Hípica Clarà.
Terms of use
The conditions of access and use of this website are governed by current legislation and by the principle of good faith, the user committing himself to make good use of the website. Conduct that goes against the law, the rights or interests of third parties is not allowed. Being a user of the website implies that you acknowledge having read and accepted these conditions and that they are extended by the applicable legal regulations in this matter.
Intellectual and industrial property
Hípica Clarà is the owner of all the industrial and intellectual property rights related to the contents that are included, with the exception of the rights to products and services of a public nature that are not the property of this company.
No material published on this website may be reproduced, copied or published without the written consent of Hípica Clarà.
Cookies policy
Hípica Clarà on its own account or that of a third party contracted to provide measurement services, may use cookies when the user browses the website. Cookies are files sent to the browser through a web service in order to record the user’s activities during their browsing time.
The cookies used are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not themselves provide the user’s personal data. Through the use of cookies it is possible that the server where the website is located recognizes the web browser used by the user in order to make navigation easier. They are also used to measure the audience and traffic parameters, control the process and number of entries. The user has the possibility of configuring his browser to be notified of the reception of cookies and to prevent their installation on his computer. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser for further information. To use the website it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent to the website, or the third party acting on their behalf, without prejudice to the need for the user to log in to such in each of the services the provision requires prior registration. In any case, cookies have a temporary nature with the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more efficient.